Blanket Cobb was in the mood for a kebab. He fantasized about chunks of meat on a stick, dripping with grease and smothered in exotic spices. A rumble started in his tummy and climbed up his esophagus, coming out of his mouth in a ladylike burp. "Urp," said Cobb. The bonsais stared at him disapprovingly. Cobb wasn't sure whether they were scornful of the belch he had just produced or his rather shocking sunburn. After succumbing to the powerful rays of the sun, Cobb was left looking like a gila monster. His skin was cracked, scaly and pink. The bonsais had not recognized him when he approached with their mushroom fertilizer earlier, which had hurt Cobb's feelings and put him in the mood for a kebab.
A kabob will do the trick, Cobb thought. He slunk out of his apartment and around the block, arriving at the Jamaican place the same time as a man who was eminating a strong blue aura. Cobb was momentarily stunned. It was as if someone had dumped a bucket of the bluest ocean water over his head that was also mixed with Windex, blue paint, crushed robin's egg shells and a member of the Blue Man Group. A small amount of drool slipped out of Cobb's mouth as he struggled to breathe through the suffocating aura. "Buu...Blll....Bloooo," Cobb dribbled. The spittle fell onto the floor and Cobb received a look from the restaurant owner similar to the one he had just received from his bonsais. Again, Cobb was not sure whether it was caused by his sunburn or what had just come out of his mouth.
He ordered his kebab quickly and sat down in a booth far away from the Blue Man. The kebob came with a side of rice and yucca root. It was quite delicious, although Cobb suspected it had been seasoned with MSG, which was generally something he tried to avoid eating.